
Library TelescopeThe library telescope program was founded in 2008 by Marc Stowbridge and the New Hampshire Astronomical Society.  The program has been implemented in across the world in libraries of all sizes, and several schools, and has proven popular with library patrons and staff.   The Orion StarBlast 4.5" Reflector Telescope used as the foundation of the program has proven easy-to-use and durable for public use. 

The goal of this website is to collect resources into one "go to" location for anyone wanting to learn how to use the library telescope or launch the program in their area.  For example, you can visit the "How to Use" tab to access videos on how to use the library telescope or the "Resource" tab to find a number of resources and documents to help you start your own program.

Importantly, the team supporting this website are experienced in launching the library telescope program and can answer questions that you might have on starting your own program.  Chances are that your question has already been addressed by another program manager or library.  So why not benefit from the experience of others?

Please note that the library telescope program outlined in this website uses the Orion StarBlast 4.5" Reflector telescope as its foundation with modifications generally following those outlined by the New Hampshire Astronomical Society.  We realize there are many other possible telescope designs to use in libraries.   However, we believe it is important to focus our support on the design that we have found works well in libraries.  Alternative designs complicate the discussion beyond our ability to provide proper support.

If you have questions about the library telescope program, feel free to Contact Us.




Our Goal

To foster scientific literacy, stimulate an interest in astronomy, and provide people who have never looked through a telescope the chance to experience the excitement that comes from discovery